Friday, August 3, 2012

Friday night links + An amazing weekend

Tomorrowland stage via My Modern Met
Olympians and Kinesio tape. (via mental_floss)

And where they're living in London. (via i Design Arch)

McKayla Malroney's vault as depicted by Stephen Colbert. (via flavorpill)

The royals being super cute...yes, I'm still talking about the Olympics. (via Huffington Post)

Also cute. (via everyday's a weekend)

25 ways to use balloons creatively. (via Babble)

Oh my sweet lord these look delicious. (via Just One Cookbook)

35 words added to the Oxford English Dictionary. (via mental_floss)

I don't care if this is a viral ad. The guy dog is photogenic. (via reddit)

Blogging as a career. Joanna Goddard sounds incredibly smart and hard-working. (via A CUP OF JO)

Lake Retba is naturally pink due to its high salt content. Awesome picture below. (via Black*Eiffel)
I'm moving up to Davis tomorrow! Thank you to everyone who made my last couple weeks so memorable. I'll see you all soon.

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