It's been a while since I've posted one, no?
These days, what I genuinely wish for is to make the correct choice in life, even if we have all been warned repeatedly that there isn't a set path to take. I'm in my 20s which means I'm surrounded by people who are also struggling to find themselves, to discover their dreams and passions, to pursue their goals, and all those pretty aspirations.
I have two (
two!) friends who are moving into their newly bought houses THIS month alone. Off the top of my head, I can name six different graduate schools family members and good people are starting this year (nursing, pharmacy, medical, physician's assistant, physical therapy, law, etc.). I have plenty of friends who are already in the midst of getting that MBA or CPA and even more who have just graduated. Some are in residency, some are working 80 hours a week, and some are struggling to find work. I have a very ambitious friend who is leaving her well-paid job on Wall Street to start a company and another who is sitting on his couch wondering what he wants to do. I know someone whose work involves designing wedding dress photo-shoots, someone who tests medical products on mice and monkeys, someone who spends her days interpreting for non-English speakers at a free clinic, and someone who just spent the last year visiting non-English-speaking countries. I know engineers, doctors, artists, accountants, dancers, lawyers, dreamers, journalists, students, and teachers.

In other words, I know a very smart, very creative, very diverse group of people in their 20s who are trying to figure out exactly what life is all about. Even those with some idea of it are constantly questioning the choices they make. Does it get clearer in our 30s? 40s? And beyond? Whether the answer is a yes or no, I hope we make the choices that will lead us somewhere closer to where we want to be.